1- How old were you when you learned to read and who taught you?
In Grade One my teacher was giving the class an oral reading exam - a final. I remember when it was my turn I was so proud that I could read. I had stuttered, drooled and frowned but I got through the 3 pages assigned. When finished I looked up from the book waiting for my teachers words of encouragement.
She laughed at me. The class soon followed after.
My Mom remarried that summer and we moved to some suburban 'city' and I started Grade II REFUSING to read or do any kind of spelling exams. I was failing to say the least and my teacher, frustrated by my Calabrese stubbornness, sent me to sit at the back of the classroom. That lasted until just before the Christmas holidays when Sister Hunter decided to read to us a chapter book. The BoxCar Children Book #1.
I was hooked and glued. I asked Santa for a Boxcar for Christmas and got a pearl watch (which I just gave back to my mother. I am convinced she does that on purpose). The only way, it soon became clear, for me to get that same pleasure was to re-read the book. At the school fair i saved my allowance and bought the book in secret (paid someone to go to the cash for me. Yes, I was child with several means of resources) went home and read it. Once. Twice. 2 dozen. I became obsessed. To this day I re-read that book AT LEAST once a year.
I never saw that teacher again and have no clue where she is.
2- Did you own any books as a child? If so, what’s the first one that you remember owning? If not, do you recall any of the first titles that you borrowed from the library?
BoxCar was the first. After that I saved up some more money and bought every single one from 1 to 126 in one shot. The guy working at Coles fell in love with me (the platonic way) and he ended up being my French Teacher in Sec 3!!!
3- What’s the first book that you bought with your own money?
I defer to question 1 & 2
4- Were you a re-reader as a child?
Yes. And still am. Its a very very very bad habit and I recommend to everyone.
5- What’s the first adult book that captured your interest and how old were you when you read it?
For my 12th birthday I got 2 V.C. Andrews books: Dawn and the sequel to that. It was the first sex scene I had ever written and I decided to share it with the rest of my 6th grade class. I didn't realize at the time this wasn't done and got in serious trouble. I should have known better considering the character ends up fuckin' her brother (wince. In my defense I did not know it at the time it was being read)
6. Are there children’s books that you passed by as a child that you have learned to love as an adult? Which ones?
Yeah. All the ones I didn't read. I think its crucial that we continue ALL OF US - but especially teachers - continue to read young adult lit for the obvious reasons that it creates a line of communication that is much more empathetic.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Thanks to Library Ladder...
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2:15 p.m.
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Great answers! I enjoyed reading this!!
Thanks babes! Hats off...
Oh Nessie, I really like your blog! I'm saving it to my Favorites!
Thanks for visiting The Written Word. I have never read Gone with the Wind (hmmm, maybe I'll have to pick it up one day)! - Stephanie @ www.thewrittenword.wordpress.com
Thanks for visiting my blog. I love your blog and a pox on that teacher who laughed at you. Thank goodness for The Boxcar Children (I loved them, too, as did my eldest son)! I'm going to add you to my favorites, right now, before I go back to reading!
Thanks Book Fool & Steph. Us bibliophiles need to unit for the right man.
That was fun, I did this meme today.
I too love to re-read books. A fact that no doubt cuts down the number of new books that I actually read every year...but I just don't care.
I had a similar situation to your VC Andrews one. I had gotten a book called Video Game War from the library and it had some choice language and a sex scene in it. I ended up passing it around my class (in a small Christian school, no less!). That got me into some good trouble since, when the pastor's daughter got hold of it, she was not crafty enough to keep it under wraps. Oh well, its a really fun memory now. Of course I remember it being kind of funny at the time as well.
Halarious. Those damb craft pastor girls. They need a school all for themselves so we dont have to live in eduational instiution misery!! Call the segregationalists!
I love this entry!
You were nice enough to stop at my blog and ask a question about mysteries/suspense...
There are a dozen different "types," so I thought I'd check out your general taste before recommending.
Now that I have, I have some suggestions to make:
Elizabeth George (start with "A Great Deliverance")
Sharyn McCrumb (start with "Hangman's Beautiful Daughter")
Michael Connelly (start with "Black Echo")
Dennis Lehane (start with "A Drink Before the War")
That's my short list -- I could go on forever!
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